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[ 2013-06-17 ]

Flat valve principle of work:Double seal, automatic pressure release, free maintenance
1.Valve internal pressure quite, the disc in closing state, seating surface PTFE ring form the initial seal, every time open or close the valve, the valve seat ring can clean on both sides of the gate.
2.The valve pressure on management, the pressure in the role of ram, force it to close to export seat PTFE ring, compression of it until the disc stop in steel seat, so, they form a double seal, first is PTFE to metal seal, and then is the metal to metal seal, seat was also firmly pick up to groove, at this point, to prevent the o-ring any medium flow.
3.Pressure from the body of the valve bleeder, form the imported seal, line pressure in the role of import the seat, make its move to ram, then form of metal sealing PTFE, and at the same time, with the seat o-ring seal grooves form a tight.
4.Automatic relief valve put extra pressure, when the body pressure than the pipe pressure, due to thermal expansion, import seat into the groove, body excess stress in the seat and disc discharge pipeline in between.

本文標題:燃氣平板閘閥工作原理 本文地址:http://www.13476.cn/tech-zhafa/164.html

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